Hensel, R., Meijers, F. Van der Leeden, R., & Kessels, J. (2010). 360 degree feedback: how many raters are needed for reliable ratings on competency development. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 21 (15) 2813-2830 (ISSN: 1367-8868)

360 degree feedback is a widely used technique in the area of strategic human resource management (SHRM) and strategic human resource development (SHRD). The reliability of 360 degree feedback on the capacity to develop personal qualities has been investigated. This study shows to what extent the number of raters is related to an increasing reliability and an enhancement of correlation between supervisor and peer ratings. Ten raters are needed to reach a satisfying reliability level of 0.7 for the rating of the capacity to develop personal qualities, while six raters are needed for a reliability level of 0.7 with regard to the rating of motivation to develop these qualities. The use of two or three peer raters, as is common in the daily HRM/HRD practice, results in low reliability levels and in low agreement between supervisor and peer ratings. These results imply that 360 degree feedback is more useful in a personal growth system than in an administrative system, where the outcomes of the feedback are considered to be objective representations of work behaviour. Further implications for the SHRM/SHRD practice, especially concerning the development of competences, with personal qualities as developmental goals, are discussed.
Keywords: competence development; personal qualities; reliability; rating; supervisor peer agreement; 360 degree feedback
Document Type: Research article
DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2010.528664