Dommel Valley: Changing Visions on Learning

02 apr 2015 09:00-18:00

The Dommel Valley Group organized the annual event Changing Visions on Learning with a focus on the self-directed learner.

Key note speakers were Dr. Maaike Endedijk, Dr. Manfred Spitzer and Prof. dr. Joseph Kessels.

The full programme with a large variety of workshops and seminars included the presentation by students of the University Twente who presented their explorations on Self-directed learning at ASML, OCé-Canon, Philips Health Care, Philips Lighting and VandeSande. They studied practices on workplace learning, knowledge sharing, Communities of Practice and self-directed learning.

The venue of the event: the Auditorium of the Technical University Eindhoven TU/e.

The key note presentations and the Henk Annema ceremony can be viewed here

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