Joseph Kessels interviewed by Jean Woodall, (2001). Human Resource Development International, 4:3, 383-390,

To cite this article: (2001) Joseph Kessels interviewed by Jean Woodall, Human Resource
Development International, 4:3, 383-390, DOI: 10.1080/13678860110059320
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Joseph Kessels is the newly appointed Professor of Human Resource Development at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. Prior to that he held the 1st chair in HRD to be created in the Netherlands at the University of Leiden. Professor Kessels is also a founding partner of Kessels-Smit, a thriving HRD practice that works mainly with knowledge-based organizations such as business consultancies and other organizations in the information and communications technology sector. A man of many interests (he is also a keen amateur musician and has a small farm) he was interviewed in London in March 2001, during the outbreak of an epidemic of ‘foot and mouth’ disease among animals bred on UK farms. Human Resource Development International Reviews Editor Jean Woodall conducted the interview.