Kessels, J.W.M (2012) Leadership and Professional Development (based on inaugural lecture: Leadership practices in a professional space) Open University-NL.

Our Images and views of leadership have been deeply informed over the course of history by perceptions of leaders as heroes, great pioneers and courageous protectors. Current employment agreements are still based on this notion: the employer provides a safe working environment and a salary at market rates. In exchange, submissive compliance with authority is expected from employees. If we view professional space as the domain where staff in conjunction with the organization have a say in structuring and performing the work and in organizing their own professional enrichment, then we address important motivating factors for achieving high-level performance of complex tasks. Such professional space gives staff the means of control to meet high standards in task performance. When performing complicated tasks, expanding such means of control will reduce stress and encourage work motivation and learning. Having means of control is a type of autonomy and a source of professional enrichment.
This text is based on:
Kessels, J. W. M. (2012). Leiderschapspraktijken in een professionele ruimte [Leadership practice in a professional space]. Inaugural lecture, 30 March 2012. Heerlen: Open Universiteit.